Paper Submission Deadline

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Conference starts in

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Important Days

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE, UTC-12 timezone).

Jan. 10, 2025: Paper submission deadline
Feb. 28, 2025: Author notification
Mar. 15, 2025: Camera-ready submission
May 19-22, 2025: Conference (on-site in Tromsø, Norway)




ICFEC 2025

The 9th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2025) is a leading forum to disseminate and discuss research activities and results on a broad range of topics in the fields of fog and edge computing. ICFEC 2025 will take place in conjunction with The 25th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2025).

Fog and edge computing have received much attention by both the research community and the industry in recent years, and are today seen as an alternative to the utilization of cloud-based computational resources. Especially, this is the case in scenarios where large amounts of data are produced in distributed settings, e.g., in the Internet of Things (IoT), where data needs to be processed in (near) real time, or where suboptimal network connectivity hampers the upload of very large amounts of data to the cloud. Use cases for fog and edge computing range from smart factories over smart grids to autonomous vehicles, to name just some examples.

While tremendous progress has already been made in the research fields of fog and edge computing, there are still numerous challenges which need to be solved. New abstractions and extensions to current programming and storage models are necessary to allow developers to design novel applications that can benefit from massively distributed fog and edge systems. Addressing security, privacy, and trust is of paramount importance while managing the resources and context of mobile, transient and hardware-constrained resources. Fog and edge computing can also help to process very large amounts of data, both for batch processing and data streams. The integration of novel communication protocols and communication patterns with fog and edge computing also brings both new opportunities and unique challenges. Recently, the utilization of fog and edge resources in order to realize distributed machine learning in the form of federated learning has also gained much traction, since it allows to learn from local data without sharing raw data with any centralized entity.

Call for Papers

Call for Papers: TBD

The conference seeks to attract high-quality contributions covering both theory and practice over systems research and emerging domain-specific applications related to next-generation distributed systems that cover different parts of the cloud-edge compute continuum. This covers different computing models, including mist computing, edge computing, multi-access edge computing, fog computing, and mobile cloud computing. Some representative topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


  • Data centers and infrastructures along the compute continuum
  • Mobility management along the compute continuum
  • Federated learning and distributed machine learning in and for the compute continuum
  • 5G/6G for the compute continuum
  • Middleware and runtime systems for the compute continuum
  • Programming models for the compute continuum
  • Storage and data management platforms along the compute continuum
  • Scheduling and resource management for the compute continuum
  • Security, privacy, trust, and provenance issues for the compute continuum
  • Distributed consensus and blockchains in the compute continuum
  • Modeling and simulation for and in the compute continuum
  • Performance monitoring and metering of infrastructures along the compute continuum
  • (Big) Data processing in the compute continuum
  • Energy-efficient computing in the compute continuum

Submission Instructions

ICFEC 2025

We invite original manuscripts that have neither been published elsewhere nor are under review at a different venue. Papers should follow the IEEE template for conference proceedings. Authors should submit papers, written in English, electronically in PDF format, and may not exceed 8 letter-size pages in length, including all figures, tables, and references. Apart from full papers, authors may also submit poster papers, which may not exceed 2 pages in length. All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on originality, technical strength, significance, presentation, and relevance to the conference by at least three reviewers. Papers may be submitted online at Easychair. Papers that are accepted for publication may be accepted as REGULAR papers (8 pages), SHORT papers (5 pages) or POSTER papers (2 pages), depending on the reviewers' recommendations. Accepted regular, short, and poster papers will be included in the conference proceedings that will be published through the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services.


ICFEC 2025 Committees

General Chairs:
Program Chairs:
Steering Committee:

Local Arrangement Chairs:
Finance Chairs:
Publication Chairs:
Program Committee:
Program Committee (continued):


We thank our generous sponsors.